Dr. Qin Liu

Dr. Qin Liu

Title: Professor
Dept/Program: Biology
Phone: 330-972-7558
Fax: 330-972-8445
Email: qliu@uakron.edu


My primary research interest is to understand cell adhesion molecule cadherins function in the development of the vertebrate visual system. I have chosen to study zebrafish, which has become one of the most important animal models for studies of vertebrate development. To study cadherins function in zebrafish visual system development, we first determine their expression using in situ hybridization and/or immunocytochemical methods, followed by disrupting their expression in embryonic zebrafish using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides technology, and finally examine morphological changes in the visual structures and analyze differentiation of retinal and/or tectal neurons using multiple molecular and cellular markers. Our studies have showed that both classical cadherins (e.g. N- and R-cadherins) and protocadherins (e.g. protocadherin-17) play important and differential roles in the zebrafish retinal development.


Londraville, R. L., Tuttle M., Liu, Q. and Andronowski, J. M. (2022). Endospanin is a candidate for regulating leptin sensitivity. Front Physiol. 7;12:786299. eCollection 2021

Dahal, D., Ojha, K. R., Pokhrel, S. Paruchuri, S., Konopka, M., Liu, Q. and Pang, Y. (2021). NIR-emitting styrul dyes with large stokes' shifts for imaging applications:          from cellular plasma membrane, mitochondria to zebrafish neuromast. Dyes and Pigments 194: Article 109629.

McDonald, L., Dahal, D., Konopka, M., Liu, Q. and Pang, Y. (2019). An NIR emitting styryl dye with large Stokes shift to enable co-staining study on zebrafish neuromast hair cells. Bioorganic Chemistry.

Tuttle, M., Dalman, M.R., Liu, Q. and Londraville, R. L. (2019). Leptin-a mediates transcription of genes that participate in central endocrine and phosphatidylinositol signaling pathways in 72-hour embryonic zebrafish (Danio rerio). Peer J 7:e6848.

Bhattarai, S., A. Sochacka-Marlowe, G. Crutchfield, R. Khan, R. Londraville and Q. Liu. 2016. Krüpple-like factors 7 and 6a mRNA expression in adult zebrafish central nervous system. Gene Expr. Patt. 21:41-53.

Liu Q., S. Bhattarai, N. Wang and A. Sochacka-Marlowe. 2015. Differential expression of protocadherin-19, protocadherin-17 and cadherin-6 in adult zebrafish brain. J. Comp. Neurol., 523:1419-1442.

Liu, B., Q, Liu, M. Shah, J.F. Wang, and Y. Pang. 2014. Fluorescence monitor of hydrazine in vivo by selective deprotection of flavonoid. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 202:194-200.

Chen, Y., R.L. Londraville, S. Brickner, L. El-Shaar, K. Fankhauser, C. Dearth, L. Fulton, A. Sochacka, S. Bhattarai, J.A. Marrs and Q. Liu. 2013. Protocadherin-17 function in zebrafish retinal development. Dev. Neurobiol. 73:259-273.

Dalman, M.R., Q. Liu, M.D. King, B. Bagatto and R.L. Longdraville. 2013. Leptin expression affects metabolic rate in zebrafish embryos (D. rerio). Front. Physiol. 4:160.

Liu, Q., M.R. Dalman, Y. Chen, M. Akhter, S. Brahmandam, Y. Patel, J. Lowe, M. Thakkar, A. Gregory, D. Phelps, and R.L. Londraville. 2012. Leptin expression is essential for sensory system development in zebrafish. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.,     178:562-572.

Liu, Q. M.R. Dalman, S. Sarmah, S. Chen, Y. Chen, A.K. Hurlbut, M.A. Spencer, L. Pancoe, and J.A. Marrs. 2011. Cell adhesion molecule cadherin-6 function in zebrafish cranial and lateral line development. Dev. Dyn., 240:1716-1726.

Marrs, J.A., and Q. Liu. 2010. Cadherin adhesion functions revealed in zebrafish. In Molecular and Functional Diversities of Cadherin and Protocadherin, (K. Yoshida Ed.), Research Signpost. 2010:213-229.

Liu, Q., Y. Chen, D.D. Copeland, B. Hope, R.J. Duff, B. Rockich, and R.L. Londraville. 2010. Expression of leptin receptor gene in developing and adult zebrafish. Gen.Comp. Endocrinol. 166:346-355.

Liu, Q., Y. Chen, F. Kubota, J.J. Pan, and T. Murakami. 2010. Expression of protocadherin-19 in the nervous system of the embryonic zebrafish. Int. J. Dev. Biol., 54:905-911.


1994, Ph.D. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY; Dissertation title: Serotonin-like Immunoreactivity in the Visual System of the Frog Rana pipiens