
Presentation to address life in the stars


Dr. Hazel Barton, assistant professor of biology, will present her research on Tuesday, Nov. 15, in Student Union 310 from noon to 1 p.m. Dr. Barton will address, "Dark Life: How Life Underground can Point to Life in the Stars."

Many of us go about our daily business with barely any thoughts of microorganisms, except perhaps when they make us sick; however, we live in a microbial world. Microorganisms control our environment, recycling our biosphere, providing food and even generating the chemicals that allow our society to function (such as oil and gas).

Our understanding of microbiology has changed dramatically over the last few decades and we now know that microorganisms carry out these functions from the high atmosphere, to the extremes of heat and cold. With such a dramatic role in shaping global chemistry and providing the conditions necessary for life, microbiologists have begun looking at other environments that could support life, including the possibility of life in the stars.

Bring your lunch and learn about the research endeavors of a colleague. RSVP to Mary Dingler by e-mail at mdingler@uakron.edu or call ext. 7774.