
College of Engineering - Frequently Asked Questions about coronavirus update


Please use The University of Akron Coronavirus Response page as your main resource for information on COVID-19, which includes a more comprehensive University . Below are answers to questions specific to the College of Engineering. 

For current students

Are campus facilities open?

No, campus facilities are not open. 

Online learning is hard for me. What do I do? 

We get it. We are all learning new ways to learn (and teach!) and it is an adjustment. »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ created a website called Keep Learning specifically to provide students with resources as they prepare to take their classes online. This page offers tips and advice on Brightspace, WebEx, Office365 and Panopto - software we use to teach remotely. 

I do not have access to a computer. What should I do? 

All students will need access to a desktop or laptop computer to keep learning. If you are a student or know a student who is concerned about the ability to continue in a course due to a lack of technology resources (such as web or computer access) please submit a referral through Help-A-Zip

How do I access engineering software since I cannot visit our computer labs?

Students can purchase and download software through MyAkron, the university’s web portal. Many are free or at reduced costs. Take a look at our recently updated  for more information on how to access the programs you need for class. 

Do I attend classes during the regular class time? What should I do if I have questions about engineering classes?

Instructors will reach out with instructions specific to their class.  You can expect to attend classes (remotely) during your regularly scheduled class times in many cases.

If you face class issues that you are unable to resolve with your instructor or are unable to reach them, please reach out to the chair of the department offering the class, or to your own department chair for help.

Is registration for summer and fall classes impacted?

Registration for summer and fall classes is proceeding normally. Summer classes are 100% online. 

Is my co-op affected by the closures at »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥?       

As a student on co-op, you are a temporary employee of that company and should follow their corporate protocols as they relate to COVID-19 regarding whether or not your work. We will work with students to ensure that they receive credit if they are asked to work remotely, their employment is temporarily suspended, or if they are sick/quarantined due to COVID-19. Contact the Engineering Co-op and Placement Office if you have any questions or concerns.

How do I get help with my classes?

In addition to your instructors’ virtual office hours and online resources, the Engineering Tutoring Program offers subject-based tutoring services to undergraduate students taking Basic Electrical Engineering, Circuits I, Circuits II, Dynamics, Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Mechanics of Solids, and Statics. Subject-based group tutoring sessions will be offered online through Google Hangouts.

How do I reach out to academic support programs like before? 

We are offering virtual office hours in all of our academic support programs including Engineering Co-op and Placement, Engineering Advising, Women in Engineering Program and Increasing Diversity in Engineering Academics (IDEAs) Program.

  • Engineering Coop and Placement Program: Contact Stephanie Schindewolf, Director of Engineering Co-op and Placement, at stepha1@uakron.edu or any other staff you have been in touch with. 
  • Engineering AdvisingContact your engineering academic advisor. You can find out who your advisor is on the MyAkron Student Center. Advisors can meet with you virtually either by phone or web chat. You can also reach out to Renee Timberlake, Director of Scholarships and Undergraduate Affairs, at rtimberlake@uakron.edu for help. Keep in mind that business hours are M-F 8:00-5:00 p.m, and it may take 1-2 business days to respond.
  • Women in Engineering Program and IDEAs ProgramsHeidi Cressman, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, is available to answer questions from students at 330-972-7737 from 8:15 a.m. until 10 a.m. For all other times, students should make an appointment to meet via video chat via hec9@uakron.edu.

What College sponsored events have been canceled?

All non-essential large-scale events canceled through May. Essential means the meeting/event is critical to the ongoing business or operations of the University. Student organizations should not meet or hold events on campus. Groups can as part of your »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ Gmail account.

Who can I contact if I have questions?  

  • Questions about a class: If you are a student with specific questions about a class, contact your instructor directly.
  • Technical questions: Call IT Support 330-972-6888.
  • Questions about housing, financial aid, graduation, or all other inquiries: Head over to »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥'s main coronavirus response page for answers to these questions. 

    What areas are impacted by cancellation of university-sponsored international travel?

    All University-sponsored international travel is cancelled effective immediately through at least May 31. Examples of “University-sponsored travel” within the College of Engineering include, but are not limited to, design team competitions, student organization activities, study abroad, conferences, and work having to do with research. 

    What domestic travel activities are impacted by the »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥’s news of class cancellations? 

    All non-essential University domestic travel is restricted at this time. 

    For future students

    Are campus tours canceled?

    All events previously scheduled on campus through through May are canceled, including all high school group visits to »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥. Please contact us at FutureEngineers@uakron.edu to schedule a virtual meeting with faculty, staff and current students as we know you and your family are making decisions about which university to attend this fall. Don’t forget to check out »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥’s virtual tour.

    I haven’t confirmed my enrollment yet. I can’t even think about Fall 2020 right now!

    We understand. Take your time. We are working on virtual tours for each department that will help get you “back in the zone” of becoming a »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ Zip. In the meantime, check out »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥’s virtual tour.


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