ࡱ> { oAbjbj88 FZfZfQ98 )!(!!!!",#8#$JΕH#""H#H#Ε!!4---H#R!!-H#--G !щ4#pPL0)D $ԏH#H#-H#H#H#H#H#ΕΕ(xH#H#H#)H#H#H#H#H#H#H#H#H#H#H#H#H#X n: AGREEMENT FOR VISITING SCHOLAR between The University of Akron and Visiting Scholar The University of Akron, Akron OH 44325-2102 (the "University") agrees with _______________ (the "Visiting Scholar"), that the Visiting Scholar may visit the University to engage in Research Activities, consistent with and as described in the attached invitation letter in Exhibit A at the University under the direction of Professor(s) _______________ (the "Host(s)"). It is the belief of the University and the Home Institution that such activities will be beneficial to the University and the Home Institution. The following terms and conditions apply to this agreement: 1. The Visiting Scholars activities at the University will begin on or about ______________ and conclude on or before ___________, unless sooner terminated by the Visiting Scholar or University, or extended by mutual written agreement of the Visiting Scholar and the University. 2. The University agrees to compensate Visiting Scholar for his/her services and the Hosts Department shall prepare a Personnel Action Form (PAF) for this purpose. The Visiting Scholar is required to purchase insurance coverage for himself/herself and any accompanying dependents for the duration of the Visiting Scholars Exchange Visitor program, and the insurance policy must meet the minimum requirements for J-1 Exchange Visitors as outlined at 22 C.F.R. 62.14. 3. Confidential Information While at the University, the Visiting Scholar may have access to, or have disclosed to them, information, data, procedures and techniques that are confidential and proprietary information of the University (Confidential Information.) The Visiting Scholar acknowledges and agrees not to disclose such Confidential Information to others and not to use such information in the manufacture of products or performance of services unless the University and the University of Akron Research Foundation agree to license the Visiting Scholar to use such information. The Visiting Scholar agrees to execute the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), which is attached as Exhibit B and, upon execution, shall be incorporated by reference. While at the University, the Visiting Scholar may have access to, or otherwise encounter information, data, procedures and techniques that are confidential and proprietary information of third parties (Third Party Confidential Information.) The Visiting Scholar acknowledges and agrees not to disclose such confidential information to others and not to use such information in any manner including in the manufacture of products or the performance of services. The Visiting Scholar acknowledges and agrees that all Confidential Information, Third Party Confidential Information and any other University or third party information, data, procedures and techniques other than those that are contemplated as deliverables pursuant to Exhibit A, shall not be transferred in any manner from the University, including, but not limited to, by physical or electronic means. The Visiting Scholar acknowledges and agrees that the Visiting Scholars access to University facilities shall be in compliance with the applicable Facility Usage and Security Plans, which are attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C and is incorporated by reference. 4. The agreement not to disclose does not apply to information after three (3) years from the date of receipt by University or that is: published; already known to the University; received by the University from other non-infringing sources; or subject to disclosure pursuant to law (including but not limited to the Ohio public records laws) or valid court order. 5. All individuals, other than Visiting Scholar, that may have access to or receive such Confidential Information from Visiting Scholar shall be subject to the same confidentiality obligations that are included in this Agreement, including the obligation to execute the NDA. 6. The Visiting Scholars acknowledges and agrees that any technical data, information, equipment or defense services related to defense articles on the U.S. Munitions List, and/or technology delineated on the Commerce Control List (CCL) to which the Visiting Scholar may have access or that is disclosed to the Visiting Scholar in the course of his or her activities at the University, is subject to export control under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations and/or the Export Administration Regulations. The Visiting Scholar further acknowledges and agrees that such data or services will not be further disclosed, exported or transferred in any manner to any foreign person or any foreign country without prior written approval by an authorized representative of the University, in concert with the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, the United States Department of State, and/or the Bureau of Industry and Security, United States Department of Commerce. 7. Depending on the sources of funding, the terms and conditions of the applicable research proposal and grant award (if applicable), and subject to applicable laws, including but not limited to Ohio Revised Code Section 3345.14, and University policies and rules, any inventions or other intellectual property made solely by the Visiting Scholar and that may arise in connection with the Visiting Scholars activities at University facilities, but with de minimis use of those University facilities, equipment, funding or intellectual property shall be owned by Visiting Scholar and outside the scope of this Agreement. 8. The Visiting Scholar agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the University, its Board of Trustees, officers and employees from and against any and all claims (including claims of negligence), damages, cost and expense (including attorneys fees) that arise from the acts or omissions of the Visiting Scholar during the term of this Agreement. Such indemnity obligation shall not apply to claims that arise solely from the University's own negligence. 9. In addition to all of the foregoing obligations, the Visiting Scholar will comply with all University rules and regulations applicable to the Visiting Scholar for the duration of this Agreement and will follow the directions and guidance of the Host. 10. This Agreement shall not be modified except through the mutual written agreement of the parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the University may unilaterally modify its Facility Usage and Security plans at any time during the term of this Agreement. 11. Either University or Visiting Scholar may terminate this Agreement in its discretion upon written notice to the other, provided that each partys obligations hereunder shall continue after such termination. 12. This Agreement shall be construed under and in accordance with Ohio law. Signatures: THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON VISITING SCHOLAR BY: BY: John M. Wiencek Print Name Executive Vice President & Provost DATE: DATE: Host Professor Print Name Date Host Department Chair/Director Print Name Date Dean Print Name Date Exhibit A Exhibit B MUTɫֱL NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT __________________ ("Visiting Scholar") and The University of Akron (University or Discloser), (sometimes referred to herein collectively as the Parties) agree to the following conditions under which certain valuable confidential information owned or controlled by University (the Confidential Information) will be disclosed. This Agreement shall be effective on ___________ (Effective Date). Confidential Information may include, for example and without limitation, scientific knowledge, know-how, processes, inventions, techniques, formulae, products, business operations, customer requirements, designs, sketches, photographs, drawings, specifications, reports, studies, findings, data, plans or other records, biological materials, and/or software. The Confidential Information disclosed under this Agreement is related to: brief description of research topic and related topics regarding possible sponsored research and/or licensing. The Parties intend to maintain the confidential status of the Confidential Information. The Parties are aware that each may have pursued independent research of its own in the area to which the Confidential Information relates and Visiting Scholar may have independent knowledge of some of the information the University may disclose. This Agreement shall remain effective through ____________, as outlined in paragraph 1 of the Agreement for Visiting Scholar, to which this NDA is attached. All obligations of the Recipient with respect to the use and disclosure of Confidential Information hereunder shall terminate three (3) years from this date. In order for Confidential Information disclosed by University to be protected in accordance with this Agreement it must be clearly identified as Confidential Information at the time of its disclosure or reasonably understood to be Confidential Information from the nature of the disclosure. Visiting Scholar shall exercise the same degree of care to protect Disclosers Confidential Information that it exercises to protect its own Confidential Information and in any event such care shall at least be reasonable care to prevent disclosure of Discloser's Confidential Information to any third party. Internal dissemination of Discloser's Confidential Information by the Recipient or Visiting Scholar shall be limited to those employees, agents, representatives, consultants, or affiliates whose duties justify the need to know such information and then only on the basis of a clear understanding by these individuals of their obligation (a) to maintain the confidential status of such information and (b) to restrict the use of such information solely to the use specified in Paragraph 6 of this Agreement. Visiting Scholar shall not use the Confidential Information disclosed by the Discloser under this Agreement, except for the following purposes: to evaluate mutual business and research activities and as outlined in the invitation letter attached at Exhibit A to the Agreement for Visiting Scholar. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as granting or implying any right or license to any party to use another partys intellectual property or to use any Confidential Information disclosed under this Agreement for any other purpose. Visiting Scholar shall not be under any obligation with respect to the following information: which is, at the time of disclosure, available to the general public; which becomes, at a later date, available to the general public through no fault of Visiting Scholar and then only after the later date; which Visiting Scholar can demonstrate (i) was in its possession before receipt of the information from Discloser or (ii) was developed independently by Recipient or Visiting Scholar without reference to the Confidential Information provided by Discloser; which is disclosed to Visiting Scholar without restriction on disclosure by a third party who has the lawful right to disclose such information, or; which is required to be disclosed to comply with applicable United States laws or government regulations. Upon request by Discloser, Visiting Scholar will discontinue using and return all Confidential Information and copies of Confidential Information within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request, except that Visiting Scholar shall have the right to retain one copy of such Confidential Information in its legal archives for the purpose of determining its legal obligations hereunder. A recipient of tangible products or materials constituting Confidential Information agrees not to analyze or have a third party analyze any such tangible products or materials without prior written permission of Discloser. Any notices required to be given or which shall be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered by first-class mail, facsimile transmission, or email addressed to the parties as follows: For University:The University of Akron Akron, Ohio 44325-4706 330-972-2352  HYPERLINK "mailto:mstasitis@uakron.edu" mstasitis@uakron.edu For Visiting Scholar: The Visiting Scholar Agreement and this Agreement reflect the entire agreement between Visiting Scholar and University regarding information disclosed hereunder, and the Agreements may be modified or altered only in writing. The interpretation and validity of this Agreement and the rights of the parties shall be governed by the laws of the State of Ohio. Any action brought to enforce this Agreement shall be brought in Ohio. Visiting Scholar may have access to information subject to the licensing provisions of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) under 22 CFR 120-130, or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) under 15 CFR 730- 774. Visiting Scholar hereby agrees that it/he/she will not disclose or provide to a third-party any such information subject to ITAR or EAR without the prior written consent of, and advance approval by, an authorized representative of University. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts including signing a facsimile or scanned electronic version. Each counterpart shall be deemed an original and all counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Remainder of page intentionally blank. Signatures on next page.  FORMTEXT University Visiting ScholarSignature: ________________________Signature: _________________________Deans NamePrint Name_________________________Title, College of ____________________ Date: ____________________________Date: _____________________________Signature: ________________________ John M. Wiencek Executive Vice President & Provost Date: ____________________________   Exhibit C Facility Usage Visiting Scholar shall have access to the following University of Akron laboratories: Host professors laboratories in the Department of _______________ Describe additional spaces as appropriate (e.g., College of Engineering machine shop and other shared space) Security Plan Visiting Scholar shall: Be issued a Personnel Action Form Be given access to laptops and a shared drive on which data can be stored Speak English at all times while working in the University of Akron laboratories Any visiting scientist use of instrumentation or equipment driven by a designated computer that produces test results will be encrypted, or protected by a separate firewall.   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