
Reminder: Use VPN when off-campus to access all on-campus systems


Information Technology Services (ITS) has been working to identify systems impacted by the recently announced "Log4Shell" vulnerability that is associated with a logging tool known as Log4j. Multiple systems across campus, including user workstations, lab computers and some servers, are leveraging software that utilizes Log4j.

While working through this vulnerability additional information has been received indicating previous efforts are not as effective as needed. To protect the vulnerable systems until a fix is available, ITS is shutting down direct access to systems that are on campus.

Our campus community can still reach these resources by using the university VPN.

Access to My Akron and uakron.edu is not impacted by the new restrictions.

While ITS is working to patch these systems as quickly as possible, they ask that all users use the VPN (Windows and Mac) to connect to on-campus systems while away from campus until an all-clear has been issued. Some examples of on-campus systems include:

  • PeopleSoft
  • Learn.uakron.edu
  • H: Drive
  • Labs.uakron.edu

ITS will block access from the internet to all University systems until they are confident that the necessary patches have been applied.

If you have concerns about a system you need to access on campus, please visit  to open a service request.