The Association of Legal Administrators in the primary professional organization for individuals responsible for administration and management in law firms. The ALA offers associate membership to practicing lawyers with an interest in law firm administration and management. The web site offers a career center and job bank.

The National Association of Legal Search Consultants is the only professional organization that represents legal search professionals. The Web site offers a newsletter discussing market trends in the legal job market and the recruiting field.

The Web site of Wisnik Career Enterprises, Inc., the “recruiter for recruiters,” posts job listings for legal recruitment professionals.

The Professional Development Consortium (PDC) is a consortium of individuals working in-house at law firms, government agencies and corporations who are responsible for the training and professional development of lawyers.

The ABA’s Law Practice Management section offers innovative and practical information on marketing, management, technology and finance in the legal environment. The section is responsible for publishing Law Practice magazine.

Hildebrandt is a global leader in professional services consulting. Best known for strategic consulting, Hildebrandt International also offers assistance on specific business issues faced by law firms. With close to 30 years experience in advising professional firms – including many of the world’s leading practices - Hildebrandt has built up unmatched expertise in every aspect of professional firm management.

NALP is a nonprofit educational association established to meet the needs of all participants in the legal employment process (career planning, recruitment and hiring, and professional development of law students and lawyers) for information, coordination and standards. NALP’s membership includes virtually every ABA-approved law school in the US, Canadian law schools and hundreds of legal employers from both the public and private sectors. NALP is dedicated to continuously improving career counseling and planning, recruitment and retention, and the professional development of law students, lawyers, and its members.