Margo Gregor, Ph.D.

Margo Gregor, Ph.D.

Title: Associate Professor
Dept/Program: Counseling Psychology
Office: CAS 353
Phone: 330-972-6258
Curriculum Vitae: Download in PDF format


Dr. Gregor received her B.A. in Psychology (Summa Cum Laude) in 2010 from the University of California- Riverside, and both her M.A. and Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Maryland (APA Accredited). She joined the faculty at the University of Akron in 2016. She teaches courses on vocational psychology, social psychology, practicum, and intro to counseling psychology, as well as supervises practicum students and co-directs the in house Psychology Department Counseling Clinic. Her theoretical perspective is an integration of interpersonal, humanistic, and feminist orientations.

Her research program focuses primarily on career development with a particular interest in the ways in which culture and social identities influence interests, choices, leadership, and educational and vocational outcomes. She has secondary interests in training and supervision of beginning counselors and measure development. She is a member of the American Psychological Association’s Division 17 (Society of Counseling Psychology) and Division 35 (Society of the Psychology of Women).


Alshabani, N., Wolfe, G., Burke, K. A., Keramidas, N. L., & Gregor, M. A. (In press). Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Vocational Well-Being of Women in Counseling Psychology. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 

Gregor, M.A., Burke, K., Campbell-Halfaker, D., Dunn, M.G., & Bhatia, A. (In Press). “I need a break or I might quit”: STEM academics’ Pandemic Experiences. The Counseling Psychologist.

Bhatia, A., Rana. S., & Gregor, M.A. (2023). Career aspirations among Indian female undergraduates in liberal arts. Journal of Career Assessment, Advanced Online Publication.  

Gregor, M. A., Dunn, M. G, Campbell-Halfaker, D., Martin-Fernandez, J., Ferrer, A., & Robinson, S. (2022). Plugging the Leaky Pipeline: A Qualitative Investigation of Untenured Female Faculty in STEM. Journal of Career Development, 50(2), 425–444.    

Dunn, M. G., Gregor, M. A., Robinson, S. Ferrer, A., Campbell-Halfaker, D., & Martin-Fernandez, J. P. (2022). Academia during the time of COVID-19: Examining the voices of untenured female professors in STEM. Journal of Career Assessment, 30(3), 573–589.  

Gregor, M.A., Weigold, I. K., Martin-Wagar, C., & Campbell-Halfaker, D. (2022). Tenure Expectations and Career Aspirations Among Female Assistant Professors in STEM. Journal of Career Development, 49(4), 890–905.  

Weigold, A., Weigold, I. K., Gregor, M. A., & Thornton, E. M. (2020). Factor structure of the vocational identity status assessment (VISA) in university, liberal arts, and community college students. Journal of Career Assessment, 29(2), 355-373.  

Gregor, M.A., Weigold, I. K., Wolfe, G, Campbell-Halfaker, D., Martin-Fernandez, J., & Ganginis Del Pino, H. (2020). Positive predictors of career adaptability among diverse community college students. Journal of Career Assessment, 29(1), 115-128.   

Gregor, M.A., Ganginis Del Pino, H. V., Gonzalez, A., Soto, S & Dunn, M. G. (2019). Career Aspirations of Diverse Community College Students. Journal of Career Assessment, 28(2),202-218.  

Gregor, M.A., O’Brien, K.M., & Sauber, L. (2017). Understanding Career Aspirations Among Young Men. Journal of Career Assessment, 27(2) 262-272.  

Hill, C. E., Anderson, T., Kline, K., McClintock, A. S., Cranston, S.M., McCarrick, S.M., Petrarca, A., Himawan, L., Bhatia, A., Gregor, M., Gupta, S., & Rojas, P. (2016). Helping skills training for undergraduate students:  Who should we select and train? The Counseling Psychologist, 44(1), 50-77.  

Gregor, M. A., & O’Brien, K. M. (2016). Understanding Career Aspirations Among Young Women: Improving Instrumentation. The Journal of Career Assessment, 24(3), 559-57.  

Gregor, M. A., & O’Brien, K. M. (2015). The Changing Face of Psychology: Leadership Aspirations of Female Doctoral Students. The Counseling Psychologist, 43(8), 1090-1113.