Ingrid Weigold, Ph.D.

Ingrid Weigold, Ph.D.

Title: Professor
Office: CAS 351
Phone: (330) 972-8156
Curriculum Vitae: Download in PDF format


Dr. Weigold received her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Texas Tech University in 2007 and joined the faculty at The University of Akron in 2008. She teaches doctoral courses in Statistics and Theories, an undergraduate course in Positive Psychology, and supervises practicum students. Her core area of research is in positive psychology. She primarily focuses on aspects of human agency, such as personal growth and self-efficacy, and how they relate to academic and personal development, international student adjustment, and psychological well-being. She is also interested in scale development and translation, as well as the psychometric properties of positive psychology measures. Her secondary area of research is data collection methodology, with an emphasis on using correct statistical procedures to assess the equivalence of self-report survey data collected using paper-and-pencil and the computer. She is active within the positive and international counseling psychology communities in APA and currently holds a board position in Division 17’s Positive Psychology Section.

To learn more about Dr. Weigold’s Growth & Methods research lab, please go to  


Select publications (* denotes students)

Weigold, A., Weigold, I. K., *Ethridge, E. T., & *Chong, Y. K. (2023). Translation and validation of the German Personal Growth Initiative Scale - II. The Counseling Psychologist. Advance online publication.  

Weigold, A., Weigold, I. K., Zhang, X., *Tang, N., & *Chong, Y. K. (2023). Translation and validation of the Brief Inventory of Technology Self-Efficacy (BITS): Simplified and traditional Chinese versions. Social Science Computer Review. Advance online publication.  

Weigold, A., & Weigold, I. K. (2022). Traditional and modern convenience samples: An investigation of college student, Mechanical Turk, and Mechanical Turk college student samples. Social Science Computer Review, 40(5), 1302-1322.  

Weigold, A., & Weigold, I. K. (2021). Measuring confidence engaging in computer activities at different skill levels: Development and validation of the Brief Inventory of Technology Self-Efficacy (BITS). Computers & Education, 169, 104210.  

Weigold, I. K., Weigold, A., *Ling, S., & *Jang, M. (2021). College as a growth opportunity: Assessing personal growth initiative and self-determination theory. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22(5), 2143-2163.  

Weigold, I. K., & Weigold, A. (2020). Acculturation considerations in personality assessment. In B. J. Carducci & C. S. Nave (Eds.), The Wiley encyclopedia of personality and individual differences, volume II: Measurement and assessment (pp. 143-147). John Wiley & Sons.

Weigold, I. K., Weigold, A., Russell, E. J., *Wolfe, G. L., *Prowell, J. L., & *Martin-Wagar, C. A. (2020). Personal growth initiative and mental health: A meta-analysis. Journal of Counseling & Development, 98(4), 376-390.  

Weigold, A., Weigold, I. K., & Natera, S. N. (2018). Mean scores for self-report surveys completed using paper-and-pencil and computers: A meta-analytic test of equivalence. Computers in Human Behavior, 86, 153-164.  

Weigold, I. K., Boyle, R. A., Weigold. A., *Antonucci, S. Z., *Mitchell, H. B., & *Martin-Wagar, C. A. (2018). Personal growth initiative in the therapeutic process: An exploratory study. The Counseling Psychologist, 46(4), 481-504.  

Weigold, I. K., Weigold, A., Boyle, R. A., *Martin-Wagar, C. A., & *Antonucci, S. Z. (2018). Factor structure of the Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II: Evidence of a bifactor model. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 65(2), 259-266.  

Weigold, I. K., Weigold, A., *Kim, S., *Drakeford, N. M., & *Dykema, S. A. (2016). Assessment of the psychometric properties of the Revised Academic Hardiness Scale in college student samples. Psychological Assessment, 28(10), 1207-1219.