Educational Administration: The Principalship Master's Program

The School of Education offers a 30-hour Master’s Degree Program in the Educational Administration with the option to add the Principalship license onto an existing teaching license. Requirements of the Principalship Master’s Degree Program in Educational Administration are listed below.

Master’s Courses - 30 credits

EDLP:601 (3) Organizational Leadership 

EDLP:602 (3) Management of Physical Resources 
EDLP:603 (3) Management of Human Resources 
EDLP:604 (3) School Contexts and Community Involvement 
EDLP:607 (3) School Law 

EDLP:608 (3) School Finance
EDLP:610 (3) Supervision of Instruction 
EDLP:615 (3) Student Services and Disability Law 

EDLP:695/696 (3+3) Principal Internship 

Total Principalship Master’s Program: 30


The School of Education uses this cyclical schedule whenever possible when offering the courses in the Principalship program in order to enable candidates to qualify for financial aid, to enable candidates to complete the program within two years, and to ensure a sufficient roster in each class.

Fall            EDLP 601 Organizational Leadership       EDLP 607 School Law
Spring      EDLP 610 Supervision of Instruction         EDLP 615 Stud. Svs/Disability Law
Summer  EDLP 608 School Finance                            EDLP 604 School Contexts 
Fall           EDLP 602 Mgmt of Physical Resources     EDLP 695 Internship I
Spring      EDLP 603 Mgmt of Human Resources     EDLP 696 Internship II


To obtain an Ohio principalship license, the candidate must also pass the Ohio Assessment for Educators (OAE) exam . Also, candidates must have at least two years teaching experience.