
Accounts Payable Staff

Rebecca Getz
Title: Director, Accounts Payable
Dept/Program: Office of the Controller/Accounts Payable
Phone: 330-972-6559
Fax: 330-972-5702
Email: rgetz@uakron.edu

Mary Kresowaty
Title: Accounting Clerk Sr
Dept/Program: Office of the Controller/Accounts Payable
Phone: 330-972-6538
Fax: 330-972-5702
Email: mkresowaty@uakron.edu

Susan Sternad
Title: Assistant Director, Accounts Payable
Dept/Program: Office of the Controller/Accounts Payable
Phone: 330-972-6560
Fax: 330-972-5702
Email: susan3@uakron.edu

Melissa Sandor
Title: Accounting Clerk Sr
Dept/Program: Office of the Controller/Accounts Payable
Phone: 330-972-5687
Fax: 330-972-5702
Email: msandor@uakron.edu