Mandatory Background Checks

The Ohio Department of Education licensure requirements include background checks

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If you are seeking an initial licensure or permit:

  • Ohio criminal background check and FBI criminal background check required
  • Conducted by the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCII)
  • Both are required for initial applicants for any license or permit
  • Needs to be less than 365 days old to be considered valid for licensing

If you are renewing a license

  • and have lived continuously in the State of Ohio for previous 5 years
  • and have a BCI background check on file for ODE
  • then you need to complete only an FBI criminal background check every 5 years

Educators who have not lived continuously in the state for the past 5 years will need to complete both a BCI and FBI background check. .


In addition to the information on this page, the Ohio Department of Education has posted a page of on the Office of Professional Conduct website.

Approved Agencies

Agencies recommended to facilitate the background check(s) for ODE licensure are the or your nearby County Educational Service Center. Make sure you indicate the background checks are being done for ODE Educator Licensure.