Interstate Licensure & Certification

A teacher holding full certification in a state belonging to the Interstate Licensure and Certification agreement may be issued a certificate for a minimum of one year for full-time teaching in the other compact states. Final authority for issuing a teaching certificate rests with the individual states. Check with these Certification Offices to find "additional" requirements for full certification. An additional resource is the .

Compact States for Teachers are:

Alabama Hawaii Nebraska Rhode Island
Alaska Idaho Nevada South Carolina
Arizona Illinois New Mexico Tennessee
Arkansas Kentucky New York Texas
California Maine North Carolina Utah
Colorado Maryland North Dakota Vermont
Connecticut Massachusetts Ohio Virginia
Delaware Michigan Oklahoma Washington
District of Columbia Mississippi Oregon West Virginia
Florida Montana Pennsylvania Wyoming

Compact States for School Services Personnel are:

Alabama Georgia New York Virginia
Alaska Maryland Oklahoma Washington
Arizona Massachusetts Rhode Island West Virginia
District of Columbia Nebraska South Carolina Wyoming
Florida New Hampshire Tennessee

Compact States for Administrators are:

Alabama Georgia New York Texas
Alaska Maryland Oklahoma Virginia
Arizona Massachusetts Rhode Island Washington
Colorado Mississippi South Carolina West Virginia
Delaware New Mexico Tennessee Wyoming